Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Monday... the infamous meeting with the Plastic Surgeon. We were a little tight on time due to traffic getting there, but we made it with 15 min to spare. Yea Neal!! We fill out our paperwork and pay our 2 co-pays to see the surgeon and plastic surgeon. We are ushered in to our room to wait for whichever doctor is available first to come in and see us. About 30 min or so the Plastic surgeon, Dr Foster, comes in and we had an informative discussion about sizes, procedures, complications and etc...
He leaves and we wait for Dr Hwang. About 20 min or so later some helper comes in and states that Dr Hwang is not in the office today. She is at a conference out of town. We ask to speak to her assistant. To make a long story short. She had called us at our home # to inform us of this but only an hour before our scheduled time (it takes us 3 hours to get there). She did have our cell #. She apparently did not have us scheduled for surgery on the 23rd (or any other date for that matter). She asked us if the 6th of Nov. would be OK. We were frustrated and confused. We explained our previous conversation and our dilemma with the changing the scheduled time. She said she would see what she could do. They would call us tomorrow to let us know.
Needless to say the car ride home was quiet. We hit traffic so decided that maybe dinner would help cheer things up while also waiting out the bumper to bumper traffic. We stopped off at a well known restaurant. The waiter had the personality of a wet paper towel. He didn't speak (occasionally mumbled or nothing). My food was over cooked and Neal's fish was cold. This was not what we needed. Not a very settling evening.

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