Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Steep learning curve

Now it was time to meet with a surgeon, oncologist, radiation oncologist, MRI, and 2nd opinion surgeon. Read pathology reports as they trickled in, research all the western medical info and process that but also research alternative treatments and process that. Counsel with numerous people; those who have gone or are going through this, doctors, naturopathies, and people we trust. All this in just about 2 weeks.

The MRI reveals a possibility of 3 more tumors, Hormone receptors are positive, and then the positive HER-2 gene.

Lets play I-Spy again...
* In all this commotion, I called my sister (Michelle) to see if she could not only come up here but take 2 days off work with 2 days notice. She did!!! I needed her to accompany me to UCSF for a second opinion. Neal needed to guard his days for future appts. It was exactly what I needed and wanted. Marni poured out such care on my children they thought they were on vacation. Michelle was so helpful; reassuring me, informed questions at the appt., and emotional support. Not getting upset when we got lost, for an hour.
* It was God's mercy that allowed the info to trickle in every few days. So I could absorb it.
* In praying for clarity...He said "wait on the Lord and be patient" He did reveal to me a clear answer which in return brought peace.
* Neal and I prayed separately and felt the same answer.

I guess in the beginning I thought "this is not going to affect my life" (drastically). I would have a lumpectomy and some radiation. Then as the info crept in. This all began to seep out of my box I had put it in. Still sustained by prayers I started to face and absorb the truth. It still sometimes seems surreal (probably till surgery).

Here are some scriptures my God has encouraged me with:
Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear;
though war arise against me, In spite of this I shall be confident. Ps 27:3
the host and the war are my cancer.
In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me? Ps. 56:4

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