Wednesday, October 10, 2007

deliberate silence

We chose to hold the news of the diagnosis till we told the kids. The weekend of the Sept. 14th- 16th my Father was coming to visit and we didn't want the visit to have a dark cloud or have the focus change. Sunday after church we told the kids and then my Father.

Cameron told us he was going to tell his best friend. We said "You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to." He said "My friend prayed for my cold and now I don't have it. See prayer works"

Aurora stated later it was as if I had slapped her. It took awhile for it to sink in (a few days), and then the questions began.

This will be hard for my father and many others to not be able to control or fix this. He's heart is to be very supportive.

We then told our extended family and Co-op leader. A mass email went out "Request for Prayer"

I felt the prayers were sustaining me because Neal hurt his back Sunday eve. and was unable to move. So Monday morn. we went onto Yuba docs. He had strained and tweaked some muscle out of place. (IN PAIN)

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