Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Neal's Oct. 24 comments

I'm just sitting here enjoying some "quiet" time with Yvette. There are tubes and dials everywhere. The nurses are all very nice. There is one male nurse that we had last night. His name is Miguel. Being the only male in the womens cancer area, I was wondering how he would do. He was very sensitive and attentive. We really liked him. All of the doctors and most of the nurses have been very attentive and answered questions without treating us as know-nothings.

Yvette's surgeon says she thinks Yvette can go home in the morning 10-25. She is still catheterized so that has to go. Also, she has to walk further than she has up until now.

Many of you have asked how am I doing. Honestly it various from encouraged to fearful depending on the news they give us. Discouraged that there was cancer in the lymphs but encouraged at the fast recovery Yvette is having. We hope for a more restful night than last night. I had to push to have her room changed. The original one was very noisy.

She can't wait to get home to her family and friends. Thanks to all of you who care so much and are making sacrifices in your own way. Your rewards are in heaven. Some are here on earth too.


Yvette said...

Hi Yvette and Neal. You've been on our mind so much these last few days. Both surgery day and today I say a shooting star while on my way to my morning workout. I haven't seen one of those for many many months, maybe a year. I honestly was thinking of you at that time and it made me smile and wonder what an awesome God we have.

As for your kids, I had to return them today. Didn't want to but Grandma made me. They had such a great time at the field trip and equally good time at slide park. Pictures later courtesy of Van.

Thinking of you! Brenda

jewellspring said...

It's great to hear from you, Neal. Thanks for the update. Nevada County is at one of the heights of its beauty~gorgeous fall colors and perfect sunshine. It and we await your safe return. We've been praying specifically for a smooth ride home.


Camiva Mom said...

Hello friends~

We really appreciate hearing from you and knowing how to pray for you all.

Ephesians 5:19-20
"addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

The Owens Clan

the cat said...

"The Lord your God is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing!"
Zephaniah 3:17
Quote from a calendar...
..."How good it is to have you rejoicing over me, pleased merely with who I am!"

The NLT reads; "For the LORD your God has arrived to live among you, He is a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song!"

Our family is trusting these truths from God's Word for all of you at this time!!! Praying for you often! : )