Sunday, October 7, 2007

9/11 has new meaning!

On September 10th I went in for a mammogram because I had felt a lump in my right breast. This had been sore for some months now. They did a Mammo and magnified images, then I went into have an ultrasound done. The radiologist came in and did a more thorough exam with the ultrasound. This resulted in a recommendation to do a Core Biopsy, because things looked suspicious. He took 4 samples for the pathologist to have a more precise diagnosis and for further testing. We would get the results within 48-72 hours. My family practioner called within 24hrs on September 11th. I have Moderately Differentiating Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, grade 2/3. In other words I have invasive breast cancer.

You are not suppose to have pain with cancer. So I attribute the fact that I did have pain to my God whom I know will walk with me every step of this journey. I believe we have caught this early.

I pray that from His Glorious, unlimited resources He will give Yvette mighty inner strength through His Holy Spirit...Now glory be to God. By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. Eph. 3:16,20 NLT

1 comment:



No words can express what I felt as I read your blog. It is truly amazing how the Lord helped you prepare for this unforseen detour in your life. Of course we will remember you in our prayers as our family has tapped into you for prayers for our family. We love you and we are thinking of you and will keep up to date on your progress through this wonderful blog!